Hope at your church
Hope Counseling offers mental health educational talks to support your congregation to gain awareness, reduce stigma, and help people in their journey to create the best lives possible.
Many powerful pastors have realized the need for education and resources for their people. We are excited to partner with you to give your congregation tools to cope with anxiety, depression, trauma and life transitions.
Mental Health is a crucial part of people walking their most fulfilled spiritual journey, and we love the opportunity to support that process. Contact us at (970) 590-1477 if you’re interested in scheduling or discussing further.
Hope at your business
Hope Counseling offers support to local businesses in team building and teaching communication skills to empower staff to excel to the highest possible standards.
Personalities, communication and business culture all impact the success of a company. Imagine the staff culture being motivated, concise, unified and eager to contribute to the vision and purpose of your company!
Investing in your employees’ mental health and the culture of the work environment can improve productivity and the health of your staff. When people feel personally connected to what they do, they are more motivated to work hard to make it successful.
Hope Counseling loves the opportunity to come alongside you to support your employees in the journey to make that a reality.
We look forward to hearing from you and helping your business go to the next level.
Potential topics
Many options are available, but these are some of the most timely and relevant:
- Introduction and overview of mental wellness versus mental illness
- Thinking patterns and detoxing your thinking
- Boundaries
- Self-Love
- Conflict and Communication
- Healthy Relationships vs Dysfunctional/Toxic Relationships
- Emotions and Coping Skills
- Vision, Goals and Rocking your life
Please email or call (970) 590-1477 to discuss your organization’s needs, to schedule, and to inquire about cost.